disclaimer or something

A mummy-hand holding, (former) biker gang affiliating, hippie influenced semi crunchy granola mom's ramblings and reminisings on an off-kilter life

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Turkey Day Haiku

I sealed my fate
When I opened the door and
The turkey was burnt

Oh God the dishes
Pile up to the ceiling
Stuck-on cranberry

Not enough liquor
My family funny farm
Grandmas pants are off

Five sticks of butter
Pass me another serving
Coronary please


  1. your house, a delight
    such dysfunction left and right
    what a holiday!


  2. Haiku are wee gems
    Holiday poetry glee
    Enjoy the next day!

  3. Sounds like a thanksgiving full of stories ripe for blogging! Haha!

  4. Oh, love it! I'd never have put the door with the oven and turkey - you rock!

  5. hahahaha i absolutely love this. so hard. too freaking funny. (sorry i didn't comment sooner- too hard to do so from my phone)
